HTTPS/JSON REST API This API is encrypted through TLS/HTTPS and uses JSON syntax for POST/PATCH commands and all responses. JSON is a very common standard syntax for data structures, see examples below and here: Cbftp uses a self-signed TLS certificate, so certificate verification must be disabled (which is what the -k flag to curl does). In a REST API, the HTTP methods used are: GET - Read an existing resource. POST - Create a new resource. PATCH - Update an existing resource. DELETE - Delete a resource. The API password is provided through HTTP Basic auth, which is entered as username:password and encoded with base64 as a HTTP message header. The username is ignored. Example usage: (Configuration: HTTPS/JSON API port 55477, password bestpass) List sites: curl -k -u :bestpass https://localhost:55477/sites Send a raw command (and get results): curl -k -u :bestpass -X POST https://localhost:55477/raw -d '{ "command": "site deluser me", "sites": ["SITE1"]}' Add a site (read json blob from file): curl -k -u :bestpass -X POST https://localhost:55477/sites -d @newsite.json Available commands: - List all sites. Section filter is optional GET /sites GET /sites?section=sectionname - Get details of a specific site GET /sites/SITE1 - Add a new site POST /sites - Update an existing site PATCH /sites/SITE1 An example body when POST/PATCH'ing a site: { "name": "SITE1", "addresses": [ "", "" ], "affils": [ "GROUP1", "GROUP2" ], "allow_download": "YES", // (YES/NO/MATCH_ONLY) "allow_upload": "NO", // (YES/NO) "avg_speed": { "SITE2": 20000, // speed SITE1 -> SITE2 "SITE3": 30000 }, "base_path": "/", "broken_pasv": false, "cepr": true, "cpsv": true, "disabled": false, "except_source_sites": [ "SITE2" ], "except_target_sites": [ "SITE3" ], "force_binary_mode": false, "leave_free_slot": true, "list_command": "STAT_L", // (STAT_L/LIST) "max_idle_time": 60, "max_logins": 3, "max_sim_down": 2, "max_sim_down_complete": 0, "max_sim_down_pre": 0, "max_sim_down_transferjob": 0, "max_sim_up": 3, "password": "SecretPassword", "pret": false, "priority": "HIGH", // (VERY_LOW/LOW/NORMAL/HIGH/VERY_HIGH) "list_frequency": "AUTO", // (VERY_LOW/FIXED_LOW/FIXED_AVERAGE/ // FIXED_HIGH/FIXED_VERY_HIGH/AUTO/ // DYNAMIC_LOW/DYNAMIC_AVERAGE/ // DYNAMIC_HIGH/DYNAMIC_VERY_HIGH) "proxy_name": "", "proxy_type": "GLOBAL", // (GLOBAL/NONE/USE) "sections": [ { "name": "SEC1", "path": "/some/path" }, { "name": "SEC2", "path": "/some/other/path" } ], "skiplist": [ { "action": "DENY", // (ALLOW/DENY/UNIQUE/SIMILAR) "dir": false, "file": true, "pattern": ".*asdf.*", "regex": true, "scope": "IN_RACE" // (IN_RACE/ALL) } ], "sscn": false, "stay_logged_in": false, "tls_mode": "AUTH_TLS", // (NONE/AUTH_TLS/IMPLICIT) "tls_transfer_policy": "PREFER_OFF", // (ALWAYS_OFF/PREFER_OFF/...) "transfer_protocol": "IPV4_ONLY", // (IPV4_ONLY/PREFER_IPV4/...) "transfer_source_policy": "ALLOW", // (ALLOW/BLOCK) "transfer_target_policy": "BLOCK", "user": "myusername", "xdupe": true } All values do not have to be included. When modifying a site, only the edited values need to be included. When adding a site, unspecified values will get their default values. Example: { "affils": [ "GROUP3" ] } - Get sections for a site (also visible when getting the entire site) GET /sites/SITE1/sections - Get a single section for a site GET /sites/SITE1/sections/SECTIONNAME - Add a section to a site POST /sites/SITE1/sections - Edit a section on a site PATCH /sites/SITE1/sections/SECTIONNAME - Delete a section on a site DELETE /sites/SITE1/sections/SECTIONNAME - Delete a site DELETE /sites/SITE1 - Send a raw command POST /raw An example body when sending a raw command: { "command": "site deluser me", "sites": [ // run on these sites "SITE1" ], "sites_with_sections": [ // run on sites with these sections defined "SEC1" ], "sites_all": true, // run on all sites "path": "/some/path", // the path to cwd to before running command "path_section": "SEC1", // section to cwd to before running command "timeout": 10, // max wait before failing "async": false // if false, wait for command to finish before // responding. If true, respond with a request // id and let command run in the background } Section paths in the command can be inserted with: $path(sectionname) - Get raw command results for an async raw command with id 1 GET /raw/1 - List a directory. The path can also be a section name. Timeout is optional, defaults to 60 seconds GET /path?site=SITE1&path=/&timeout=2 - Delete a directory. The path can also be a section name. Type is optional, defaults to ALL DELETE /path?site=SITE1&path=/unwanted/dir&type=OWN - Show a file. Timeout is optional, defaults to 60 seconds. The maximum allowed file size is hardcoded to 500k by default. GET /file?site=SITENAME&path=/path/to/some/file.nfo&timeout=10 - List all spread jobs. Filters are optional GET /spreadjobs GET /spreadjobs?status=RUNNING§ion=SOMESECTION GET /spreadjobs?profile=RACE&site=SOMESITE&name=*debian* - Get details of a specific spread job GET /spreadjobs/JOBNAME - Start a new spread job POST /spreadjobs An example body when starting a spread job: { "section": "LINUX_ISOS", "name": "LATEST_DISTRO_1.0-NEW, "sites": [ "SITE1", "SITE2", "SITE3" ], "sites_dlonly": [ // (optional) "SITE1" ], "sites_all": false, // (optional) whether to add all sites with the // section defined "reset": false, // (optional) whether to reset the job if it // already exists "profile": "DISTRIBUTE" // (RACE/DISTRIBUTE/PREPARE) } - Reset a spread job POST /spreadjobs/JOBNAME/reset Example body (optional) when reseting a spread job: { "hard": false // optional } - Abort a spread job POST /spreadjobs/JOBNAME/abort Example body (optional) when aborting a spread job: { "delete": "NONE", // (optional, NONE/INCOMPLETE/OWN/ALL) "sites": [ // (optional) if specified, remove these sites from job // instead of aborting "SITE1" ] } - List all transfer jobs. Filters are optional. GET /transferjobs?id=false GET /transferjobs?status=RUNNING&src_site=SOMESITE&type=FXP GET /transferjobs?dst_site=SOMESITE&type=UPLOAD GET /transferjobs?site=SOMESITE&name=*debian* - Get details of a specific transfer job. Use the id query param to get job via id instead of name GET /transferjobs/JOBNAME_OR_ID?id=false - Start a new transfer job POST /transferjobs An example body when starting an FXP job: { "src_site": "SITE1", "src_section": "SECTION1", // src_section or src_path "dst_site": "SITE2", "dst_path": "/MISC" // dst_section or dst_path "name": "LATEST_DISTRO_1.0-NEW" } An example body when starting a download job: { "src_site": "SITE1", "src_section": "SECTION1", // src_section or src_path "name": "LATEST_DISTRO_1.0-NEW" "dst_path": "/linux-isos" // optional } An example body when starting an upload job: { "dst_site": "SITE1", "dst_path": "/linux-isos", // dst_section or dst_path "name": "LATEST_DISTRO_1.0-NEW" "src_path": "/linux-isos" // optional } - Reset a transfer job POST /transferjobs/JOBNAME_OR_ID/reset?id=false (no body) - Abort a transfer job POST /transferjobs/JOBNAME_OR_ID/abort?id=false (no body) - List all sections GET /sections - Show details for a specific section GET /sections/SECTIONNAME - Add a section POST /sections - Modify a section PATCH /sections/SECTIONNAME An example body when adding or modifying a section: { "name": "TESTSEC1", "hotkey": 7, // optional, 0-9 "num_jobs": 0, // optional, why would anyone edit this? "skiplist": [ { "action": "DENY", // (ALLOW/DENY/UNIQUE/SIMILAR) "dir": false, "file": true, "pattern": "*asdf*", "regex": false, "scope": "ALL" // (IN_RACE/ALL) } ] } - Delete a section DELETE /sections/SECTIONNAME - Show various build information, stats etc GET /info UDP API The UDP API is one-way, i.e. does not provide responses. When encryption is enabled, the encryption key is the same as the password. Example usage: (Configuration: UDP API port 55477, password bestpass) Plaintext example: echo -n "bestpass raw SITE1 site deluser me" > /dev/udp/ Encrypted example: echo -n "bestpass raw SITE1 site deluser me" | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc \ -md sha256 > /dev/udp/ (and then enter bestpass again when prompted) Available commands: download [srcfile] This command will result in cbftp starting a transfer job for downloading the specified item to your default download directory. The srcfile field is optional, if omitted cbftp will use the base name of the srcpath as file name. The srcpath field can also be a section name, in which case srcfile must also be specified. upload [srcfile] This command will result in cbftp starting a transfer job for uploading the specified item to the specified site and path. The srcfile field is optional, if omitted cbftp will use the base name of the srcpath as file name. The dstpath field can also be a section name. fxp [dstfile] This command will result in cbftp starting a transfer job for sending the specified item from one site to another via FXP. The dstfile field is optional and will be the same as srcfile if omitted. The srcpath/dstpath fields can also be section names, and if dstpath is a section name then dstfile must also be specified. downloadtopath [srcfile] This command will result in cbftp starting a transfer job for downloading the specified item to the specified download path. The srcfile field is optional, if omitted cbftp will use the base name of the srcpath as file name. The srcpath field can also be a section name, in which case srcfile must also be specified. race
[dlonlysitelist] This command starts a spread job with the 'race' profile for the specified item on the specified sites. The site list is a list of site names, comma-separated without spaces. (Example: site1,site2,site3). Wildcard (*) also works, which means all sites added in cbftp will be selected. An optional site list with download-only sites can be appended. distribute
[dlonlysitelist] This command starts a spread job with the 'distribute' profile for the specified item on the specified sites. prepare
[dlonlysitelist] This command prepares a spread job with the 'race' profile, which means cbftp will log onto the specified sites and await user input. Prepared spread jobs are started from a list on the main screen and can be started by selecting the prepared job and pressing enter, or pressing p from anywhere in the cbftp UI to start the latest prepared job. raw This command makes cbftp issue the given raw command on the listed sites. The sitelist can also be a section name. Section paths in the command can be inserted with: $path(sectionname) rawwithpath This command makes cbftp change directory to the given path and then issue the given raw command on the listed sites. The sitelist and path field can also be section names. idle [time] This command makes cbftp login and idle on the specified sites. Specifying how long the sites should stay logged in is optional, and defaults to the "max idle time" specified per site. The sitelist can also be a section name. abort This command makes cbftp abort the specified spread job. delete [sites] This command makes cbftp abort the specified spread job, and then delete all your own related files on all involved sites. If a sitelist is specified, those sites will be removed from the job instead of aborting it. abortdeleteincomplete This command makes cbftp abort the specified spread job, and then delete all your own related files on all incomplete sites. reset This command makes cbftp soft reset (no re-mkdir) the specified spread job. hardreset This command makes cbftp hard reset the specified spread job.